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Pam Rock Petition

Grant Justice Now

In August 2023, the Rock family started a petition to help compel the State of Florida to fully investigate Pamela's tragic death.​


Our Petition is Still Active

Your signature will help to compel the state of Florida to FULLY investigate our sister Pamela’s tragic death. And then hold the culpable accountable.


This would bring her Justice … instead of just helping the guilty to evade justice.. 

Our sister Pamela was a mail carrier in rural Putnam County, Florida. But in August 2022, she died after a savage attack on a public road by 5 "pet" dogs that had easily escaped their poorly repaired fence.


Despite multiple warnings that year (from both neighbors AND the dogs’ owner), Putnam County Animal Control staff failed to control these animals ... simply by ignoring their duty. Even the local sheriff and Florida State Attorney took no action (except to euthanize the dogs: too little, too late). Signing this petition will also help to YOU and your family members when you need protection from a dangerous dog .

Please sign our petition (like the 5-thousand + before you have) to demand enforcement:    

“Nobody is above the law…!"


Please sign our petition (like the 5-thousand + before you have) to demand enforcement:    

“Nobody is above the law…!"

Pam Rock killed by multiple dogs
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