Victims of Dangerous Dog Attacks
Victims Make the Difference
Florida victims of vicious dog attacks are sending accounts of their attacks to the Rock family and are also testifying on behalf of the Pam Rock Act in legislative hearings. These are some of their stories. Please be aware that many of our victims' photos are graphic and disturbing. Help us STOP these Dangerous Dog attacks!! Submit your Victim Impact Statement.
If you need help documenting or submitting your story, please contact us at and add Request Assistance in the subject line.
My name is Holly
Holly was walking her dog in their neighborhood on Jacksonville's Northside. With no warning, a dog bit Holly's calf and held onto her leg, shaking her leg a few times. The dog then released Holly’s leg and ran through an open gate back into its yard. The dog had run down a long driveway and crossed the road to attack Holly, but it did not attack her dog. After two ER visits and a four-day hospital stay due to the bite becoming infected, Holly returned home for recovery. For 43 days, she could not use her right leg to drive or walk and used crutches for short distances. After connecting with a lawyer, Holly was advised to ask Animal Care and Protective Services if this dog was reported for biting anyone else. ACPS informed Holly that she was the third individual bitten by the same dog in less than a year. At this finding, ACPS confiscated the dog from their owner. Per records from the previous two bites, the dog was previously placed in quarantine within the home but there were no follow-up actions to classify this as a dangerous dog. After a brief hearing with Holly as a witness, the dog was classified to be a Dangerous Dog in the state of Florida and eventually returned to its owner. There is no way for future neighbors to be aware of this dog’s classification to avoid more attacks.
May 6, 2024
Dog bite victim on Jacksonville’s Northside calls for change
News4Jax - A Jacksonville woman is calling for change after she says she was bitten by a dog in her northside neighborhood

Photo caption: Name of victim, injury sustained, Florida city, date, and her little dog "Beaux" before the vicious attack.
Mrs. Geraldine Bishop, "Miss Terri"
Dear Friends of all Dangerous Dog Victims This next section is very long but well worth the read. Put yourself in this wonderful family’s life since her terrible attack 18 months ago. Son Wayne Thomas and Daughter-in Law Janelle put their entire lives on hold to care for his Mom, Ms. Gertrude Bishop in Hawthorne, FL. This attack was also in Palatka County, the same county as Pam Rock’s fatal attack 17 months earlier. County leadership and Animal Control had again failed to make changes in Dangerous Dog policies or enforcement. Put yourself in Wayne and Janelle shoes as they rallied many family members and community to get Miss Terri treated and supported from her independent life to her new life as an amputee. Now you can begin to understand why each of the eight new elements in the PamRockAct in 2025 new law are so important. I invite you to ready Wayne’s magnificent journal in Facebook where he shares their challenges and victories. These excerpts are listed in the initial attack and some of the most significant updates from Wayne and Janelle.
HAWTHORNE, Fla. (WCJB) - An elderly military veteran from Hawthorne is fighting for her life after being attacked by two dogs. Gertrude Bishop, 86, also known as Terri, lives near Sally Street in Hawthorne. On Friday morning, she witnessed the unexpected when she was grabbing groceries from the car. Family members were notified by witnesses who live nearby, Kathleen and Larry Edwards. They told TV20 the dogs live across the street and managed to escape through the fence. The two dogs attacked Terri right outside of her home.
“It didn’t have to happen like this,” shared Terri’s son Wayne Thomas. “An 86-year-old woman who’s getting ready for her 87th birthday should be able to go to her yard, get some groceries from her car, and not worry about dogs roaming in the neighborhood and assaulting her and almost killing her.”
Terri is an army veteran and family members said she will fight through recovery. Larry Edwards was able to get the dogs off by using a metal chair. EMS crews treated Terri and took her to UF Health Shands. Residents who live nearby said it’s not the first time the two dogs roam in the neighborhood. Edwards said one of the dogs is a pit mix. “I grabbed that chair and I hit one,” shared Edwards. “And he fell over and hollered and when I did that the other one, it took off.” Thomas said his mother Terri suffered many injuries like a damaged trachea, loss of an ear, and several lacerations. Terri’s right leg was so severely damaged, it had to be amputated. Thomas also said his mother has undergone several surgeries and has more to come....
Visit her GoFundMe | Read Full News Article
Mom update #26
Mom had an extremely busy day today. Since she was at Shands all day yesterday completing follow up care, they really worked her today.
She started out with an occupational dressing program where they put a prosthetics shrinking sleeve on my mom's leg to begin the process of getting her fitted for a prosthetic leg. She met with Mike of Advance Prosthetics to go over how the prosthetic process works and therapy involved.
She had 2 separate sessions of physical therapy. One focusing on her core strength and the 2nd focusing on her leg and arm strength. (Pic below) She is transferring better from the bed to her wheelchair and vice versa. She still has pain but not as much.
She met with Tom Rock who lost his sister to a violent dog attack a year ago. He brought Mom a card and a nice quilt, (pics below) shared the story of his sister's life, got some input from my mom on what needs to be done about our dog laws and talked about his family's mission to get the dog laws changed in the State of Florida. He even showed me his presentation that he is going to share with our local State Representative on Friday.
She drove her wheelchair outside for the 1st time and enjoyed the sun, even though it was almost 100 degrees outside. She met her primary doctor, ate some Popeyes chicken with red beans and rice and after all of this activity, she is now resting comfortably. She is really working hard and everyday and is getting stronger and acting more like herself. Your prayers are making the difference. Thank you so much! We truly love and appreciate all of you. Until next update....
Well today is my mom's 87th birthday. She celebrated it by having her scheduled VA physical therapy appointment, a walk-in X-RAY for her hurting wrist (see pics), and several phone calls to wish her a happy birthday. When mom was asked as to what she wanted to eat for her birthday, she said she wanted a filet of fish meal with a chocolate shake from McDonalds. Nothing special for her. I got her favorite double fudge cake for her special day and a birthday card. I did not get her a present because she was emphatic that I do not get her a present.
Mom is doing well and next week she will go through a long session of re-fitting for a new prosthetic leg. I have to get her a smaller set of comfortable shoes for her fitting and lets keep our fingers crossed that she doesn't have any medical setbacks that can delay her therapy for walking. So far, so good. She is doing well with her therapy, her blood pressure is great and she is following all treatment protocols as instructed.
When the therapist asked her what things she has learned to help her live so long, my mom said (1) Believe in God, (2) Treat people how you want to be treated and (3) Keep your mouth shut. I told the therapist that she tells me this all the time. We all laughed!
87 years! Just think all my mom has experienced and been through for over 8 decades. Too many stories to count. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! We thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. We wish you a long, happy and prosperous life. Until next update.........
Mom update #45
Happy New Year everyone. Well, the holidays have past and mom is doing well. She was a little under the weather during Christmas holiday but that did not stop mom from going to her home church in Hawthorne (see pics). It was the first time she has seen her church family in person since the dog attack. It was really an emotional experience for everyone. Mom even spoke about forgiveness and not seeking revenge against our enemies. She spoke at length about the dog owner and how she is praying for him and does not want to sue him and is letting the Lord get vengeance for her.
Mom is on the last journey of therapy and we hope that this New Year will bring her home permanently. Mom was given her final prosthetic leg right after Christmas (see pic) and was given extensive training on maintenance, cleaning, wearing and overall upkeep of the device. Mom walked 3 times unassisted down the parallel bars during her prosthetic appointment (see pic) and had to perform her walking with the VA representative watching her. This was done so that the orthotic doctor could get paid for all the work he had done on the device. Final cost $20,000. From fabrication, to mold, to adjustments, to final fittings and every little step in between, $20,000. Thank God for the VA. Don't know how we could have swung this bill.
Now is the critical time for mom. She has scheduled therapy daily to learn how to complete all of the steps of her new leg. She must learn how to put it on daily, maintain the cleanliness and hygiene for the device daily, walk daily, then be able to remove the device without assistance. To determine if my mom has the willpower to do it, its hard to tell. She has the best poker face imaginable. Would love to take her to Vegas, could win a lot of money.
Between her current Nursing Center and the VA, mom has more than enough therapy sessions to do everything that is required to make that final transition. To be honest, I believe mom's mind and body want to do this last hard lift, but her mind doesn't want to do it. It is really hard to motivate her to do therapy, to get her to read her important mail or just to get out of bed instead of just laying around. I know she is battling a lot with depression but she keeps deflecting or changing the subject. Her sister has even tried talking to her but with little success.
If you have a little time in your day, if you could just pray that my mom engages in therapy and to remove the demons of depression from her so she can cross this hurdle. I am so grateful to all of you. This road has been hard but with you being with us during this journey, we know God will see us through. We love you all and we hope you all have a prosperous, relaxing and wonderful New Year. Until next update......
Mom update:
Well as 4th of July is approaching mom is doing well. X-Rays on my mom's wrist came back negative but the doctor wants mom to have a consult with Plastic Surgery. As to what, we don't know but mom politely said no plastic surgery and that was that.
Mom went to her new prosthetic leg fitting yesterday and it went pretty well (see pics). Mom was able to get fitted in her new socket, got a chance to walk assisted with it and once all of the adjustments were made, she was able to take it home to practice walking with it until her next physical therapy session on Monday. The leg is about the same weight as the old one but this new leg has a microprocessor in it that can sense when mom needs the leg to be more firm when she applies more of her body weight to it and when the knee needs to bend when she is stepping forward. The leg is so advanced that it needs to be charged daily and its programming can be accessed using an app on a smartphone. Its pretty impressive but my mom wasn't too keen on all the bells and whistles, all she wants is a leg she can maneuver so she can walk more and not be bound by her wheelchair.
Not all news is good, the van we purchased has had a cascade of issues. From oil leaks, to shifting problems and everything in between. We took it to a mechanic and he informed us that the oil leak was the possible beginning of serious transmission issues and if we address the oil leak it could reveal a more serious issue with the transmission that could be thousands of dollars of repairs. After careful consideration, we decided to sell the van while it was still in good working order and use the monies to try to coordinate another vehicle or pay for maintenance on our cars until we can get another transport vehicle for mom.
Mom just found a copyright company to assist her in the distribution of her new book so its only a matter of time before she has another book to her name. Mom is eating well, she is exercising and she appears to be in good spirits. With all that she has gone through, she is still pushing. If she stays on track, she will be walking unassisted and she will have even more independence. Lets pray that it happens.
As I reflect on the freedoms we take for granted every day, I just remember that with each breath that I take, I'm not guaranteed the next one. It just helps to remind me to not assume anything and be so arrogant to believe that I have control of my life.
Control is an illusion. Operate in gratitude everyday. Be thankful everyday. Be grateful everyday. There is always someone less fortunate than you who would trade places with you in a heartbeat for a better chance at life. Life can turn on a dime, trust me I know. Just know that God sees all that you do and if you try to make this place a little better for someone less fortunate, God will bless you in ways you cannot count. I'm a firm believer in that. Thank you for your kind words, prayers, donations and genuine love you have given my mom and family. It is overwhelming sometimes when I think about it.
The journey continues and may you and your family have a wonderful 4th of July Holiday. Just make sure to save me some BBQ! Until next update......

Miss Terri Bishop Hawthorne, FL 86 yr old victim of a multiple Dangerous Dog attack in her own front yard. Her injuries resulted in leg amputation. loss of one ear and several dog bites all over her body.

Miss Terri's son Wayne Thomas, and wife Janelle Thomas. Wayne's journal entries on Facebook are accurate, genuine and show us how much these attacks hurt everyone for the rest of their lives.

Zoey and Paige Green
Hi my name is Paige and I am Zoey's mom. I hope you have a minute to read our story.
Zoey was overjoyed to be spending the day with her sisters and me. It was going to be a girl’s day enjoying a dolphin cruise, and Zoey had been anxiously counting down the days for this rare treat! The forecast called for clouds, but sunshine abounded and the afternoon could not have been more perfect for the duo.
While passing the time before picking up her sisters before their great adventure, I had been pet sitting for a neighbor and she wanted me to come over to discuss a few new things she wanted me to do for the dogs while she was out of town. I was standing on the back porch chatting with the neighbor, the two dogs played nearby. As Zoey tapped on the window to get her my attention, one of the dogs immediately attacked her, without warning and viciously. The male pit-bull yanked Zoey by her precious little face as I struggled to yank the animal off her. The dog was still attacking Zoey relentlessly and wouldn’t let go, so her I threw herself on top of Zoey, shielding my sweet girl from the continuous attack. As thoughts of losing my daughter spun through my mind, both pit-bulls continued to viciously attack me, causing life threatening wounds to both my daughter and myself.
We were transported to separate hospitals, Zoey underwent extensive surgery.
Zoey was transported to the best equipped hospital by helicopter and spent over 10 hours in the operating room while surgeons worked tirelessly to repair the many wounds the dogs left behind. Along with other serious wounds, Zoey suffered from a shattered jaw and her eyelid had been completely torn off by the pit-bull. My precious baby girl will continue to undergo surgeries in the future to repair the damages that remain, including skin grafting and eyelid reconstruction/lift.
At another hospital, doctors worked to repair the wounds her I sustained. Specialists reattached part of my ear that had been ripped off. Doctors also repaired damages to my knee along with several gashes to my head all caused by the mauling.
For me, the several hours waiting for my daughter while she was undergoing her lengthy 10 hour surgery were the most grueling hours of my life. I had to wait for the news of my daughter’s condition, praying Zoey would survive. Understandably, those hours are painful to relive in my mind.
We are ecstatic to report that although this attack was very recent and her wounds are still fresh, this brave young fighter is on the mend and out of physical pain! Sweet Zoey still suffers extensive internal wounds which will take much longer to heal, but she gets through it by spending her days very close me and a sleeping in my bed at night for comfort.
Update Feb/March 2024
We have been lucky and Zoey had only had to go Galveston once this year for reconstruction surgery. We are leaving next week for a brand new procedure. Some how they will take fat out of her and inject it in the scar. I don't know where they will find any fat lol. After that they will do more laser surgery. We are trying to raise funds to help make this trip less stressful on the family. Like everyone knows the inflation has hit hard. If you can donate that would be a blessing and we would truly appreciate any and all help. Thank you for always keeping her in your thoughts ❤️ we also have a venmo and cash app account. Cash
app is $customcreationsby21
Venmo is Paige-Woody-2

Photo caption: Miss Zoey Green 6+ years old Crestview, FL , after unprovoked multi-dog vicious attack.

Melissa's Story (Identity Protected by Victim)
Dear Rock Family,
Here is my story, I hope it helps someone.
In November 2019, I was working on foot in my home County in Florida. I was knocking doors and I walked on the easement (there were no sidewalks) past a run-down looking trailer. I did not enter the property. After I passed the trailer, I walked into an empty lot that was next to the road. It was nearly 6pm and it was still light outside. The area was pretty deserted, there were no other people walking around, the small diner across the street from the lot was closed.
Standing in the empty lot, I heard barking behind me. I turned around and two large dogs (they looked like pit bulls) were running toward me, barking. I started running away. I was screaming, crying out to God to help me, trying to run away from them as they were biting both of my legs. I ran toward the road, and suddenly they stopped attacking me, turned around, and ran back toward the trailer that I had passed. There was a wood fence separating the lot and the trailer.
I saw a man standing by the fence. I'm not sure who he was but he did not make any effort to assist me. I crossed the street, called 911 and waited for help outside the small diner. A young lady came and asked me if I was ok, she said she heard me screaming. I believe she came from the trailer, but I can't be sure.
A sheriff deputy responded, took one look at my legs and cringed. He called for a female deputy who had recently gotten bit by a dog, he also called the paramedics. My jeans were ripped from my thighs all the way down, my right calf was bleeding heavily. County Fire Rescue responded, they cleaned me up and recommended I go to the hospital. I had a family member meet me at the scene and transport me to the ER. I got 3 stitches in my right calf. I had bite marks all over both legs. My right thigh began to swell to nearly the size of a soccer ball. It would be over a month before all the swelling went down in my thigh. Miraculously, I had no major or permanent injuries. I do still have pain in that thigh due to scar tissue and not getting the proper long term medical care.
I was told the investigation would be handled by Animal services. Since this happened after 5pm on a Saturday it would be Monday before Animal services contacted me. Their policy was to contact the victim before they met the dog owners. I was interviewed on Tuesday, then that day, they went to the trailer where I believe the dogs were housed. When they went to the home, there were two small dogs there. No dogs that fit the description of a pit bull. I was told that even if they found the dogs, and proved in court that those were the dogs that attacked me, the dog owners would be fined and it would be a very long drawn out process.
I did not have a minor dog bite. I had significant injuries. The entire process was very frustrating to me, knowing that there were two very aggressive dogs roaming freely that could potentially hurt more people or even kill someone.
I am still very frustrated by the lack of accountability for dog owners. I'm also frustrated that there seem to be no uniform, statewide procedures for how to investigate these cases. I felt if some preliminary evidence were gathered, then the dogs could have been identified quicker. I have grown up with dogs my entire life, I still love them. I have met a few pit bulls since this that were very gentle and non-threatening. However there needs to be more accountability for owners.
Thank you for your time.
Karla Mancini
My name is Karla Mancini I am a 47-year-old woman that loves the outdoors. I stay thankful for days at the park with my family.
January 20, 2020, I went on a walk with my dog, my kids and my husband. It was a nice stroll until I saw a German Shepherd running in quickly and with a look that I knew wasn’t right. It was so scary, have you ever felt evil or a moment you knew that didn’t feel right? The dog ran with aggression, the dog knew he wanted my dog and well, I wanted to save my dog! The teeth all showing, I yelled out is your dog ok to be around other dogs? I knew something felt off, the aggression was attacking mode, the owners checking his pocket and running after the dog. In minutes the dog went after my dog. I picked my dog up to save him and seconds later I was bit for the first time. Two canine teeth bit into my leg as I was just a piece of steak. It made me buckle and screamed in fear knowing I was just going to be mauled… Jumping up wanting my dog next he bit again and again, I was able to stay strong but knew it wasn’t the end. I begged and screamed for someone to help me. The owner feared his own dog and couldn’t control him as the shock collar had fallen off, only a husband with much love came to try to help… The dog continued to want my dog and I hoped to help myself by giving him over to my husband that moment he jumped high as my husband was bit on the ear.
Well, the fear was real the aggression was real and the attack had just started, holding tight close to my husband those big canines were so scary. I just cried for help the owner still not close and still fearful of his own dog he ripped into my left lower leg as if he had not eaten for weeks and steak was served … he grabbed the bottom of my leg and didn’t let go. I was crying, with a heart rate that was out of control the shredding of my lower leg made me buckle.. I could no longer stand! I was awake trying to stop the pool of blood … I don’t share this because it’s easy I share this because I know this dog had a demeanor that this kind of reaction was not the first. I knew as he ran towards me he wanted flesh, this can be stopped but we need your help to mark these dogs, to put these dogs to sleep! I still can’t believe this dog was given another chance or wasn’t put to sleep after that day. I hope you can handle a gruesome picture, I will share it as my leg took 4 months to heal you can’t close dog bites, the mouth is too dirty and must heal from the inside of the wound out … Well, the bite went to my bone.
My children watched their mama be taken down thankfully they were far enough. Beyond thankful it was me , but I will share with you in 47yrs I have never experienced such trauma, I still can cry when a dog runs off leash because I know what it feels like to be on the other end. I ask you to please never allow something like this to happen to another person. Help us make change don’t allow those aggressive dog breeds to hurt someone you love, don’ let your son or daughter live that trauma, sad enough my little girl still can’t handle being around dogs without fear after this day…
I would do anything to see the safety of others! Don’t allow weeks or months of wound healing happen to others, or maybe even death keep our loved ones safe!!
Don’t allow these dogs to hurt any other one of our loved ones … Change happens because we beg you to protect and not allow anyone else to feel our pain in vain… Let us protect our loved ones!! I can promise you this a dog with an aggressive demeanor will attack again, let us make change, please! I may not have feeling in my leg but I can walk… I was able to make it but maybe someone as special as Pam can leave her legacy of change in our world to remove dogs after their first attack .
Thank you for hearing my story and helping me push for change.

Photo caption: Karla Mancini, attacked by a German Sheperd dog on January 20, 2020. Her left leg was injured in Zeus's Park, Hope Sound, FL.
Tina Marie Reeder, MS
I have experienced 8 incidents in my neighborhood in the past three years of dogs off leash. Two of them resulted in my dog being injured and one of them I was injured. All of them were the cause of owners not taking responsibility to secure their dogs. The first one happened when my Golden Retriever was 4 months old (Aug 7, 2021). I was walking him on the sidewalk and a woman lost control of her American Bulldog that lunged at us and grabbed onto my puppy's leg. I lifted him up and another neighbor began beating the dog until it released his jaw from my puppy's leg. I contacted animal control and after a follow up they said they visited the home and claimed, "I was on their property therefore they were not fined". This of course was not true but I was told I would have to retain a lawyer if I wanted to further prosecute. The second time (Nov 20, 2023) my dog incurred an injury was when I was walking him out front of my house on a leash and a young boy with an adult was walking a young pit bull. This dog was trying to get out of its collar and retractable leash. I turned to get back to my house and before I knew it the dog was nose to nose with my dog. I yelled to the boy to get his dog and the dog bit my dog on the leg. Thankfully I was able to kick the dog until it released and I was free to run my dog into the house. I contacted the police to which they did respond in about 2 hours but because I was not bit and I did not know where the dog was they could not do anything to help me. Both of these incidents not only cost me several hundred dollars in veterinary care but my dog is a working dog in training for crisis response. This has cost us tremendous time and expense in retraining and confidence building beyond the physical trauma. The third time I incurred the injury as I was walking down the middle of the street in the early morning (I stopped walking on the sidewalk so that I could see other dogs coming) and a dog charged from his backyard apparently which caused my dog to defend me. I fell on the ground which resulted in a second degree road rash that scared my lower leg. All of the other incidents of dogs off leash thankfully I was able to kick the dog and it ran away or my dog was not with me and I was able to manage by yelling or capturing the dog myself. I reported the last incident of a dog on my front porch off leash which I was able to get on my doorbell camera to code enforcement and the homeowners association. Only then was the owner notified and fined. I have reported all incidents to my homeowners association of which they would reply "call the police" but the police were never able to do anything because I was not bitten by the dog. Regretfully I have had to move out of that neighborhood for my safety and the safety of my dog. I sold that home of 26 years to move to a safer community in Alabama.

Photo caption: Tina Reeder and her puppy were attacked twice at two different times. Tina suffered second degree road rash, from falling during the attack and her puppy's leg was bitten & needed stitches, Fort Lauderdale, Fl.
John Rock
It was a fine spring afternoon. The skies were clear and blue and the sun was shining. I was walking my new puppy, a five month old Shetland Sheepdog, Alistair. He was full of new life and joy and we both were having a great time together.
Suddenly I heard a low but loud growl and saw a large dog approaching from our right. I knew this would probably not be pleasant. But I got ready and threw a hard kick at the attacker. It felt like I was kick ing a thick rubber wall and my kick was useless. In seconds the canine attacker picked Alistair up between its lower and upper jaws and proceeded to shake its head left and right while poor Alistair howled and cried.
If you remember how the Tyrannosaurus rex violently shook the lawyer victim was torn into two pieces, in the movie Jurassic Park, you have an idea what the experience was like for Ali and me.
I kept kicking, trying not kick my little dog too, but my efforts were as nothing. This went on for hours -at least it felt like hours- until a neighbor came to our aid and was able to remove poor Alistair from the deadly jaws, whereupon I grabbed Ali and lifted him up as high as I could lift him while I continued to attack the attacking pit bull terrier with my foot. The vicious dog’s owner finally picked up his demon and it was over as suddenly as it started.
I took Alistair to an emergency veterinary clinic and they were on the job almost immediately and gave Ali emergency surgery. The veterinary care was expensive ($2300), but they saved Ali’s life.
A police officer showed up and advised me how to seek legal action and she actually accompanied me to the courtroom. We received $150 from the owner (who had history of jail time more than just once). The officer told me that that what we got was probably all we could expect to recover.
Much more recently my sister Pamela Rock was attacked by 5 pit bull terriers. At the hospital the doctors had to remove her arm. After a few days we were advised she would also need a leg to be amputated, but Pam was less lucky than Alistair, and she died from her multiple mortal wounds. The dogs had a history of serious attacks in the past, which were never punished by the local law enforcement. Pam’s death was preventable. But even though the dogs had caused serious problems in the past, law enforcement decided not to bring any charges against the owner of the pit bulldogs.

Photo caption: John Rock's puppy, Alistair Severe dog bites on puppy's torso, Pittsburgh, PA.
Roxanne Haubrich
What I went through because of an irresponsible dog owner and dog sitter.
Resident of Fort Lauderdale, FL
9-1-1 Dispatcher for the Broward Sheriff’s Office
On March 2010 I was mauled on my right leg by a medium sized dog. My next-door neighbor was an unlicensed dog sitter. She would go to the local dog park and hand out her card offering her services not knowing any of the dogs. On this day she had brought home a random dog from a stranger and was supposed to be watching him. We had a common fenced-in backyard shared by 7 units. I was enjoying the yard talking on my cell when I felt pain on the front side of my leg. I did not know what the pain was. In the time it took me to look down, the dog had time to latch on to the back of my leg and continue to bite me. I managed to scare him off and run back to me duplex.
I immediately washed my injuries and used peroxide. I went straight to the hospital and got a tetanus shot and an antibiotic. 2 days later I had to travel out of town for a 10-day job. The antibiotic was prescribed for a period of 10 days. Throughout the event I was in severe pain and was walking with a limp. I developed a yeast infection from the antibiotic and instead of getting any better, my leg was turning bright red and was getting extremely hot.
I returned to the hospital and was given a second antibiotic. This one was for 7 days and also did not have any positive effect on the infection. I went back and was told my leg was getting worse, so they needed to lance it and get all the infection out. It was so deep and extensive that it was not possible to numb the area. I had never been in so much pain. The process was lengthy. They then stuffed my leg through the incision with a medicated gauze and sent me home with a third antibiotic. I could not walk or even stand because of the excruciating pain.
3 days later I went back to get the gauze removed. The previous pain was nothing compared to what I felt when that, extremely long, gauze was pulled out of my leg. The infection had worsened so I was immediately admitted and told they were going to give me 2 more antibiotic through my IV. The doctor explained that if these did not make an extreme difference by morning, I would need to have surgery on my leg. I felt like I was about to lose my leg and was extremely scared.
I did have some improvement but was still not clear of infection. I was given 2 more antibiotics. By now it was 7 months later, and I was on the 6th and 7th antibiotics. I was on vacation a few days later and was going on a cruise with friends. These new antibiotics were so strong they caused me to feel sick and nauseous with every bite of food I took, I was not able to go out in the sun or would instantly burn, I could not go in the water because they had left my incision open so the infection could drain, and I could barely walk. I spent most of the time just sitting in our cabin.
All this because an irresponsible person did not actually watch the dogs but just let them out in the back yard without checking if anyone was out there and without asking the owners if these dogs were person friendly. I found out later that the dog had previously ran after someone to bite them. The owner did not verify if this pet sitter was responsible or ask for references, and she did not properly take care of the dogs or clean up after any of them.
Photo and text updates pending Name of victim, injury sustained, Florida city, date, and her little dog "Beaux" before the vicious attack.